viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Monitos Class
Karina Del Valle
“My Country/Mi País”
Del 29 de febrero al 4 de Marzo

Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we will talk about the history of the United States. To start in the knowledge and appreciation of their country, we will learn to recognize some of the patriotic symbols, such as: the flag, the national anthem, the Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty. We’ll also examine some of the most important places, including: the White House, the Pentagon, the Golden Gate, the Capitol, and the most famous States.

Yo nací en un lindo país
Con 4 estaciones
2 mares azules
Montañas y por venir
yo soy feliz
Creciendo en este país
Aprendo respeto cuidado
y entrego lo mejor que hay en mí
En Sff! me enseñan muchas cosas de mi país
El respeto por mi amiguito
Me hace siempre un niño feliz (bis)
¡Que viva mi país!

El país donde vivo
Es mi hermoso hogar
Sus paisajes, los lugares
Todo luce fenomenal.
Yo lo cuido, Lo valoro.
Yo lo quiero de verdad.

Es el lugar donde vivimos
Es de todos nuestro hogar
Tiene hermosos lugares
Para cuidar y visitar.

Palabras Estrella
     Casa Blanca
     Estados Unidos
     Monumento a Lincoln

Friendly Reminder:
     Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes, and to see if your child needs extra clothes.
     Please send pictures, objects, magazines, sheets, and maps of United States.

Thank you.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

Monitos Class
                             Ms. Karina Del Valle                                 
2/22 - 2/26 
“Ciencia en mi vida diaria“

Dear Monitos Parents,

I hope you had a great week. This week we’ll continue to do experiments and talk about recycling. We will make a nice pot with bottles and recycle container boxes to increase awareness about caring for our planet, as it is everyone's responsibility.

Song of the Week

The children in Monitos class enjoyed singing the song “Como funcionan las cosas”. Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Palabras estrella:

Friendly Reminder:     

  • February 22-26: Science fair week.
  • Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes and if your child needs extra clothes
  • When you arrive to the center, please wash your child´s hands.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
2/15- 2/19
“Pequeños científicos”

Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we're doing experiments where we will become little scientists.  We’ll see how the primary colors become new colors as well as observe the density of different liquids like water, oil, and milk.  We’ll also make a volcano.  The kids will love it.

Soy un científico
Y voy a crear
Hacer muchos experimentos
Jugar y a explorar

Palabras estrella:
* La lupa
* Los experimentos
* El microscopio

Friendly Reminder:
- Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes and if your child needs extra clothes
- When you arrive to the center, please wash your child´s hands.

Thank you.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
2/8 - 2/12
“Como funcionan las cosas“

Dear Monitos Parents,

I hope you had a great week. As teachers, we are very proud of all the effort and dedication that our Monitos have shown during learning activities in each theme week. Thank you  for all the work you do at home with them. We know that without your help we could not see the wonderful progress and development in our children. 
Can you feel the love? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. We will have many creative activities to celebrate this festival.

Song of the Week

The children in Monitos class enjoyed singing the song “Como funcionan las cosas”. Parents, please encourage your child to listen to this song at home too. It can be found on our Sff! CD.

Palabras estrella:
San Valentin
La Amistad
El Amor

Friendly Reminder:     

  • If your child would like to bring something for their friends to help our Monitos celebrate Valentine’s Day, it would be appreciated.
  • Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes and if your child needs extra clothes.
  • When you arrive to the center, please wash your child´s hands.

February 12th: Valentine’s Celebration. 
February 22-26: Science fair week.

Thank you.