viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

"Let's get active / Hay que ponernos activos."

Dear Monitos Parents:

Summer is almost here!

Our Students had made a great job and effort during all the scholar period, and they deserve to enjoy and have all the fun that comes with this warm weather, to play outside and make any kind of sports activities. This is exactly our subject for next weekt: “Let’s get Active”.

Words of this week.
Deportes/ Sports.
Baloncesto/ Basketball.
Fútbol/ Football.
Tenis/ Tennis.
Voliybol/ Volleyball.
Natación/ Swimming.


-  Gabriel has been moved up to our classroom!!! YEEEHH Welcome Gabriel!
-  Jiovani is transitioning in our classroom and he will be moved up next week.  Welcome Jovani!!!


Jun 7th at 9:30am to 11:00 am : Ositos Graduation at Heritage Baptist Church, next Building.

We hope you had enjoyed our Science Fair, as much as your child did. Have a great weekend!

Ms Lucelia, Ms Fanny and Ms Maria Fernanda.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

“How things work”, "Como Funcionan las Cosas". Science Fair.

Monitos Class Room!

Dear parents! We hope almost all of you had enjoy our Field Trip to the Health + Science Museum, it was such a marvelous experience to our children, and also for you to share this great time with us.  Thank you parents for comming!

Next week, we’ll talk more about “How things work”, and we’ll have our Science Exposition, Monitos Class is preparing a very special and beautiful performance of science for you to enjoy it.  Please stop by and observe the experiments with your child.

Words of this week:

Airplane/ El Avión.
Rocket / El Cohete.
The technology (computers, iPod)/ La tecnología.
The media/ Los Medios de Comunicación.

Have a great long weekend!

Thank you!

Ms. Lucelia, Ms. Fanny and Ms. Maria Fernanda.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

“How Things Work" - "Como Funcionan las Cosas"

Monitos Class Room!

Dear parents! Still enjoying the beauty of the Spring, and getting ready for summer. Our children are loving the weather outside, and they are very curious about our garden and all the beautiful plants we have in there. You might visit our garden next time you pick up your child.

We are talking about “How things work”, learning about Science for our children which is such an amazing subject, full of extraordinary developments and human inventions.

We will also have our science exhibition on last week of May.

Words of this week:

Experimentos/ experiments.
Electricidad/ Electricity.
El Fuego/ The Fire.
La Gravedad/ The Gravity.
Inventos/ Inventions.
La rueda/ The wheels.

Thank you!

We are saying goodbye to Amelia ‘’Mia” and her family, who are moving to another city. Good lock for you! And congratulations for the new member of the family! Little baby Eliot. We will miss MiaJ

Ms. Lucelia, Ms. Fanny and Ms. Maria Fernanda.

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

How we Grow. Como Crecemos!

Dear Monitos Parents!

 We hope you will celebrate with joy and happiness, Mother’s Day. Also, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the special activities that with all love and care our children and teacher have prepared for our beautiful moms.

Next week, we will talk about How we Grow? We are learning  the anatomic changes we make while we are getting older. We suggest to speak with your child about this interesting topic at home, so it would be easier for them to remember. 

Words of this week:
Growing up /  Creciendo.
Change/ Cambiar.
Skeleton/ Esqueleto.
Bones/ Huesos.
Feeding/ Alimentacion

Feliz Dia Mamá!

Thank you!

Ms. Lucelia, Ms. Fanny and Ms. Maria Fernanda.