viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

“How things work”, "Como Funcionan las Cosas". Science Fair.

Monitos Class Room!

Dear parents! We hope almost all of you had enjoy our Field Trip to the Health + Science Museum, it was such a marvelous experience to our children, and also for you to share this great time with us.  Thank you parents for comming!

Next week, we’ll talk more about “How things work”, and we’ll have our Science Exposition, Monitos Class is preparing a very special and beautiful performance of science for you to enjoy it.  Please stop by and observe the experiments with your child.

Words of this week:

Airplane/ El Avión.
Rocket / El Cohete.
The technology (computers, iPod)/ La tecnología.
The media/ Los Medios de Comunicación.

Have a great long weekend!

Thank you!

Ms. Lucelia, Ms. Fanny and Ms. Maria Fernanda.

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