viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

**************************************** "Mi Cuerpo" - "My Body.” *************************************


MS. Lucy AND MS. Martha

SEPTEMBER 2nd TO 5th 2014




Dear Parents:

I hope you enjoy your long Labor Day weekend.

This week’s theme will be all about “My body”. The theme will last 2 weeks. During the first week we will learn about the limbs, torso and head parts, playing games that will help us to identified body parts and having a lot of fun.

Friday we will have Grandparent’s celebration day! Monitos will be so happy to see all the grandpas and grandmas come to their school and joining us, they will have special surprises for them.

Words of next week.

Head/ Cabeza                                                                    Please/ Por favor.

Neck/ Cuello                                                                      Than you/ Gracias.

Arms/ Brazos                                                                     Come/ Ven.

Please review the vocabulary of the week with your child. 

We almost have all the family pictures for the Monitos class, thank you to all parents who had brought the pictures in.


Thanks again for all your support.

Miss Martha y Miss Lucy.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

************************************* "Mi Escuela y Yo" - "My School and Me". *************************************

AUGUST 25TH TO 29TH 2014
Dear Monitos Parents:

We had a very active week, in the Monito’s class. We played a lot, and learned about our classroom centers, teachers, and the other classes. We made a lot of  friends and had fun together.

Next  week topic, will be learning  more about our classroom toys, all the activities we can performance, knowing how to use the art center tools, and more and more exciting learning games.

Words of next week.

Por favor/ Please.
Las crayolas/ the crayons.
Las acuarelas/ the watercolors.
Los marcadores/ the markers.

We hope you had a wonderful week, and please review the vocabulary of the week with your child. 

Please, don't forget to bring a family picture.

Thank you for all your support.

Ms Martha y Ms Lucy.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

************************************* "Mi Escuela y Yo" - "My School and Me". *************************************

Dear Parents:

I am very happy with all our children in the beginning of this school year. I feel that I am having a great support from all of you, parents.

Next week, will be talking about the Topic: "Mi Escuela y Yo / My School and Me."  We will talk more about the environment of my school. We will visit the different areas of our great school.  Also, we will work on the identification of the Monkey as our official pet and name of our classroom, and we’ll make a lot of activities that identify children with this colorful, restless and mischievous character, the Monkey, so much alike with two years old children.

Words of Next week!

Hola/ Hello.
Adiós/ Good bye.
Me llamo / My name is...
Amigo/ Friend.
Ambientes de la Escuela /

We hope you had a wonderful week, and please review the  vocabulary of the week with your child. 
Please, Don’t forget to bring a family picture.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Martha y Miss Lucy.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

******************************Welcome to the School Year 2014-1015. "My School and Me". "Mi Escuela y Yo"**********************************************

Dear Parents:

A new beginning it’s here for all of us.  This school year will be full of interesting and exciting activities.  We will work a lot for giving the best every single day, and enjoy the Monitos class. Thank you for all your love and support. So let’s the show begin!!!

Words of next week!
La escuela/ the school.
Las aulas/ the classroom.
Los juguetes/ the toys.
Los amigos/ the friends.
La maestra/ the teacher.
El parque/ the playground.

·        Please make sure that you have applied some sunscreen and bug spray before arriving at the center.
     Please wash your child´s hands upon arrival.  
·        Read every day the journals before you go.
·        Please, check every day in the dirty clothes cubby and eventually in the lost and found cubby before you leave.
·        Remember also that you should sign a form for every lotion you bring.

Please let us know if you have a question 
Thank you: Ms Lucy y Ms Martha.

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014



Hola Parents:
This week we will be closing our summer camp with an exciting theme: the circus! The teachers will create and perform a circus act for the children. We will also be having our farewell party with music and lots of fun!
Words of next week!
El circo/ the circus.                                   
Salado- dulce/ Salt-sweet.
El payaso/ the clown.                                           
Suave- duro/ Soft- Hard.
Los animales/ the animals.                                 
Para quién? / For whom?
El león/ the lion.                                                    
Los Números/ Numbers from 1 to 15.
La carpa/ the circus tent.

Monday: SPLAHS DAY, please send your child with their swimsuit and towels, and totes for wet clothes. We’ll be reading a book about the circus.
Tuesday: We will be working on painting and decorating clown drawings.
Wednesday: We will find a lost magician hat, which comes for make all kind of tricks for us.
Thursday: SPLASH DAY.  Special teachers clown performance.
Friday: It’s the last summer day, we will have a party to celebrate the end of the summer (No Splash). Early Release. School closes at 12:30pm

Other announcements:
Welcome to our Class!! Crosby Keegan, Jacob Windon and Landon Warchall, we are very happy to have you in our class, we are also saying good bye to Samantha, Allyson, Nolan and Anastasia, we will miss you, and we know you will have a great time in Sapitos Class too.

Thank you: Miss Lucy & Miss Natalia.