viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

***************************************MI FAMILIA ************************************

“Mi familia”. “My family”.

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Mrs. Martha Mahoney.
From November the 3rd to the 7th.
Theme of the Week: My family.

Hi Parents:
Hoping you had a wonderful week! Times fly, we already have past the first trimester of the year and started with the second one, our children are making a lot of progress and learning a lot of new things every day.
Next topic will be talking all about our families, our family members, their roles, the difference between each member and the particularities in every family, we hope you enjoy talking at home with your child about this too.

Song of the theme.

Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailan bailan sin cesar. (X2)
Con este chachachá
La familia aprenderás
Respeto a papa amo mi mama

Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices están
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachá chachachá amo a mi mama
Chachachá chachachá amo a mi papa (x2)


Poem by Theme.
Todos los niños y niñas
Necesitan un hogar
Una casita encantada
Un lugar para soñar

Viva mi familia
Que felicidad
Vivo junto a ellos
Es fenomenal

Empieza con “A”
Y muchos cariños me da.
Me cuida, me mima
Y es la mamá de mi mamá.
Mi abuelita.
Start Words of the week.
La mamá/ the mum.
El papa/ the dad.
El nene/ the baby.

The student of the week, it will be our little one Kalea Robinson.

Thank you for all you love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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