viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

“The Farm Animals/Los Animales de la Granja”.

“The Farm Animals”. “Los Animales de la granja”.

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez and Miss Martha Garcia.
From January the 12 to the 16.
Theme of the Week: The animals.

Hello Parents,
I hope all of you had a great week! I am very blessed to have a class full of adorable kids that learn so fast and are so smart and creative.
This week, we will be focused on farm animals. We will be imitating chickens and horses, jumping like little rabbits, doing arts and crafts. We will also interact with animal products like milk and eggs. The most fun will be the creation of our own quagmire of pigs.


Welcome to Jacob, James, and Mateo that have moved up from the Mariquitas classroom. They are big boys now! Also, welcome to Mathew from Monitos class, who is coming from the Raleigh location. We are so happy with all these new boys around!!!

Song of the theme.


imagesBB3M6P2NMi abuelita tiene, una granja bella
Con animalitos y flores muy bellas,
Ahora este jueguito de imitar sonidos
Tú lo haces primero y luego tu amiguito (x2)
El perrito ladra (sonido)
El gato maulla (sonido)
El gallito canta (sonido)
La vaca estornuda (sonido)
El conejo salta
El caballo trota
Y los pajaritos la canción entonan(x2).

Poem by Theme.

Después de la lluvia
Salió el caracol
Después de la lluvia

A tomar el sol.

Soy verde
Me gusta saltar
Jugar en el charco
Y también croar

El sapo.
Start Words of the week.
La gallina/ the chicken.
La vaca/ the cow.
El cerdo/ the pig.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Marthita.

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