viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

"Las Artes"

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From February the 23th to the 27th.
Theme of the Week: Art Fair.

Hello Parents,
We hope you had a great week.  This week we are having our fair art. Thank you for all of your collaboration on making this event even better and more enjoyable to our kids. You will surely appreciate the different techniques our children have developed to create genuine art.
Also, our goal for these week, will be to demonstrate the different forms of artistic expression, including: dance, painting, sculpture, and music. We’ll be listening to classical music and making some 3D art using their imagination without limits!
So, please help us to welcome to our class to Calliope, Euterpe and Terpsichore, the Greek art muses!
Thanks for everything!

Song of the theme.
Yo soy un pequeño artista
Con colores y papel
Mucho arte crearé (x2)
Con tijeras cortaré
Con pincel yo pintaré
Muchas flores y el sol
Que en el parque veo yo (x2)
Arco iris y el mar
Pinta pinta sin parar
Aquí en Sff! un arista crecerá
Ese soy yo!!!

Poem by Theme.

La paleta del pintor
Tiene muchos colores
Para pintar cuadros
Llenos de ángeles y flores


Soy Bueno y Delgado
Con buena figura
Mi pelo alocado
Lo mojo en pintura.
         El pincel

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales.

  • Jugamos a emitir todas las vocales juntas, realizando una adecuada gesticulación.
  • Fuerte y despacio, nos quedamos en silencio ante la indicación de la maestra.

Start Words of the week.

La pintura / the Paint.
La escultura / the sculpture.
 El baile/ the dance .

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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