lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

“Gente y música Alrededor del Mundo”

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From March the 06h to the 10th.
Theme of the Week: American Continent.

Dear parents! The month of the flowers and butterflies it’s again with us. Let’s hope we can fill our playground with beautiful plants and live nature like we made last year, if you want to collaborate with us, you are very welcome.
Next week, we’ll start speaking about the different cultures and people all around the world, but for making it easy for our kids, and according to the International party that we are planning, the beginning it’ll be in the Latin American countries. We’ll made funny and different activities, such as weaving with our hands, making necklaces and preparing typical foods like burritos, among other arts and crafts. Have a great week, and thank you for all.

Song of the theme.
CANCIÓN El Mambo de Lupita

Qué le pasa a Lupita?
No se,
Y que es lo que quiere?
Por qué ella no baila?
Su papá.
Qué dice su papa?
Que no,
Qué dice su mama?
Que si.
Que baile Lupita
Si, Si,
Si, Si, Si, Mambo , Mambo, Mambo,
Si, Si, Si.
La Perla del Caribe (bis)
Ven a Bailar este Mambo. 

Poem by Theme.
Poesía 1
Yo soy un indiecito
Orgulloso de mi raza
Uso plumas de colores
Y lanza para la caza.

Poesía 2
Todos los niños de America
Vamos todos a cantar
Todos juntos, siempre unidos
Haremos un solo hogar.

Soy una hortaliza naranja y sabrosa
En ocasiones me dibujan muy tenebrosa
La calabaza.

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales
  • Imaginamos soplar una vela y muchas velas (fuerza en el soplo)

Start Words of the week.

La lana /  The wool.
El peinado /  the hair stayle.
 Las tortillas / Las tortillas.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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