viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

The Circus

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez & Miss Martha Garcia.
From August the 3rd to the 7th.
Theme of the Week: The Circus

Greetings Parents!
We are sad to say that in two more weeks the summer will be over. We have had an excellent time with the kids; they've loved all of our activities, including: Splash days, cooking and dancing classes, and all the other exciting subjects that we have been teaching them about.
This week the kids will be learning about the Circus, that fabulous traveling world, full of magic, risk and fun. The kids are going to pretend to be clowns, we’ll be doing simple juggling acts and also put together a fun magic show. So, let's enjoy the show together!

Circo Dumbo!

Start Words of the week.
El Payaso/the Clown.
El mago/ The magician.
El circo/ the Circus.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Knights and Princess!

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From July the 27th to the 31th.
Theme of the Week: Knights and Princess!
Greetings your highness's!
This week, we’ll get royal! Our little ones will learn to act distinguished and follow etiquette. We will have many activities, including: pretending to build and live in castles, wearing capes and crowns, and ruling in our little Monitos Kingdom. We hope everyone has a lot of fun.  Remember for Friday we’ll have our costume ball. The girls should bring a princess dress and for the boys, a knight or prince costume.
Let’s go to make a really fairy week!
Caballeros y princesas.

Start Words of the week.
La Corona/the crown.
El Escudo/ The shield.
El palacio/ the palace.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.

From July the 20th to the 24th.

Theme of the Week: The Dinosaurs!

Dear Parents,

We hope you are having a great time! This week, we will get a little prehistoric! Yes, it’s dinosaur time! We will need your help by bringing dinosaurs that you have at home and share with us.  Every thing counts: dinosaur toys, posters, books, etc. Remember to come prepared for the splash days, and different summer activities that we have such as zumba, cooking class, arts&craft, and dance.

Start Words of the week.

Los Dinosaurios/the Dinosaurs.

Las excavaciones/ the excavations.

La Pala/ The shovel.

Have a great week.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From July the 13th to the 17th.
Theme of the Week: The Zoo!

Greetings parents.
We hope you are having a great summer, enjoying the outdoors and the sunshine! Next week, we’ll be talking about zoo animals, an interesting topic that children love because they love the animals! On Monday, please have the children bring in a stuffed animal to share with their friends. We will have many wild life stories and animal songs for singing and dancing. Remember the splash days. Please bring the children with sunscreen, dressed for water activities.
Birthday: Happy Birthday for our dear Matthew R Todd! He is turning three, next July the 18!


Animales de la Selva.

Los animales que hay en la selva.
Tú los vas a repetir,
Algunos gordos, otros muy altos
Igual nos vamos a divertir.
El elefante que está muy grande
Y la jirafa que alta es
Y el monito que salta y salta.
El cocodrilo, me va a morder.
Los animales (bis)
Es un león que está enojón.
Es la serpiente que es muy decente.
Y la tortuga, come lechuga.
Y el ratón (¿Dónde está el ratón?)
Ya se escondió.
Los animales (bis).

Start Words of the week:
El Elefante/ the Elephant.
La Cebra/ the Zebra.
La Jirafa/ the Giraffe.

This week we also welcome to our classroom two sweet girls: Raina and Kathleen!! Welcome to Monitos class! We are going to have a blast!

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From July the 6th to the 10th.
Theme of the Week: The Aquatic World!

Greetings parents.
Next week, we’ll be talking about the aquatic world, so according to this summer time, when often goes to the beach, visit aquariums, lakes and rivers. For the first day of this week, please send some aquatic toy to the classroom, such any kind of fishes, turtles, shells, or whatever you have at home. And for Friday, we’ll have our aquatic parade, so if toy have any proper custom, they even can come as pirates, that we’ll be great! Let’s the fun begin! Have an excellent week!

En el mar, en el mar
Animales vas a encontrar
Ven conmigo a bucear a bucear.
Muchos peces vamos a encontrar.
El pulpo, la ballena, el delfín.
Y también una estrella de mar.
El tiburón, el tiburón el tiburón.

Start Words of the week.
La Tortuga/ the turtle.
El delfín/ the dolphin.
El cangrejo/ the crab.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.