jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From July the 6th to the 10th.
Theme of the Week: The Aquatic World!

Greetings parents.
Next week, we’ll be talking about the aquatic world, so according to this summer time, when often goes to the beach, visit aquariums, lakes and rivers. For the first day of this week, please send some aquatic toy to the classroom, such any kind of fishes, turtles, shells, or whatever you have at home. And for Friday, we’ll have our aquatic parade, so if toy have any proper custom, they even can come as pirates, that we’ll be great! Let’s the fun begin! Have an excellent week!

En el mar, en el mar
Animales vas a encontrar
Ven conmigo a bucear a bucear.
Muchos peces vamos a encontrar.
El pulpo, la ballena, el delfín.
Y también una estrella de mar.
El tiburón, el tiburón el tiburón.

Start Words of the week.
La Tortuga/ the turtle.
El delfín/ the dolphin.
El cangrejo/ the crab.

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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