viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

“The Senses / Los Sentidos”

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
9/28 to 10/2
“The Senses / Los Sentidos”

Hello Monitos Parents,
We hope everyone had a great week. Ours has been so much fun!This week we will talk about the senses; they are vitally important to recognizing and understanding the surrounding environment. By learning this subject, children will not only understand what the five senses are, but they will also be able to use them to experiment in a playful manner. We will also introduce them to the care we need to have and the protection we need to take in order to keep our senses healthy.

Con mis cinco sentidos yo aprenderé
A ver todo a mí alrededor,
Con mis cinco sentidos puedo ver
El cielo con su color.
Escucharte a ti eso me hace feliz
Y sentir el sol sobre mí

Saborear la miel y poder oler
Las flores que hay en el jardín.
Con mis cinco sentidos…...
Poderte abrazar y también escuchar
Mi maestra en Sff
Oler, saborear, escuchar y sentir
El amor que sientes por mi!!
Con mis cinco sentidos….

Con nuestros sentidos
Vamos a jugar
Ver, oler, tocar, oír
Y galletitas probar.


Con ellos puedo ver el mundo de colores
Una y otra vez.

Los ojos.

Words of the week:
La vista
El Olfato
El Gusto
El tacto
El Oido

Friendly Reminder:

·         We are still collecting the pictures for our special family tree.
·         Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
·         Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.
Ms. Karina Del Valle

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

Monitos Classroom - Week of September 21st through September 25th


Dear Monitos parents,

We hope you had a wonderful weekend.
We are very proud of our Monitos for their participation in last Friday’s Grandparents Day event. I am sure our grandparents really enjoyed it! We will continue learning about how we grow.

Words of the week


 Special thanks
Thank you so much to our grandparents for coming to our celebration.

 Special activities
This week we will have fun painting!

 Have a great week
Mrs. Karina del Valle and Mrs. Patricia Elescano

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015


Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
9/14 al 9/18

Dear Parents,
This week we are working on the different growth stages: baby, child, youth, adult, and senior. We are also working on identifying ourselves as boys or girls.  We consider it important that the child is aware of the stages and changes that arise in the body.
We recognize the characteristics, objectives, similarities, and differences in the chronological stages.  We promote respect for others.


Si comes saludable tus huesos crecerán

Con esta cancioncita tú aprenderás

Como tú estas creciendo...aquí en Sff!

Primero un bebecito pequeño tu serás

Después un niño sano y fuerte crecerás

cuando tú seas joven al college tu irás

y cuando seas adulto tu familia tendrás..

después serás anciano y abuelito te dirán


Cuando nace un niño
La vida es más bella
Aunque sea de noche
Brillan las estrellas.

Duerme  bien en su cunita
Y toma biberón
¿quién es?

El bebe

Words of the week:
El Bebe/ Baby
El Nino/Child
El Adulto/ Adult
El Anciano/ Elder

Friendly Reminders:

We are still collecting the pictures for our special family tree.
Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

Ms Karina Del Valle

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

My Body functions / Funciones de mi cuerpo

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
7/9 al 11/9
My Body functions / Funciones de mi cuerpo

Dear Parents,
We will continue having fun learning about body functions this week! Our goal is for the children to gain an adequate perception and knowledge of the bodily processes and care. It is very important, that the child recognize their functions. All these activities help our children to become aware of their body and to develop a healthy self-esteem.
We need volunteer for this Friday we will have a coolest vaccination campaign for babies toys.
We’ll also be celebrating Grandparent’s Day.

Words of the week:
Me Aseo/ I clean
Me Alimento/ I feed
Descanso/ I rest
Me cuido/ I look after myself

Friendly Reminder:

Monday, September 7th - Labor Day – Sff! closed
Friday, September 11th - Grandparent’s Day. All Grandparents are cordially invited to our special morning celebration.
We are still collecting the pictures for our special family tree.
Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

Ms Karina Del Valle