viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

"The Animal Kingdom". "El Reino Animal".

Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
May 9th thru May 13th, 2016
The Animal Kingdom – Farm Animals

Dear Monitos Parents,
This week we will teach about farm animals. We will talk about horses, cows, pigs, etc. Children will learn how to take care of them and what food they need to continue growing. We have also planned other exciting and fun activities and we will be having our fabulous project “Pet Parade” on Friday May 13th.

Song of the Week

Animales de la granja
Mi abuelito tiene una granja bella
Con  animalitos y flores muy bellas
Ahora este jueguito de imitar sonidos
Tu lo haces primero y luego tú amiguito
El perrito ladra
El gato maúlla
El gallito canta
La vaca estornuda
El conejo salta
El caballo trota
Y los pajaritos  la canción entonan

Star Words of the Week

El león
La jirafa
El elefante

Happy Birthday to Kathleen Saria whose birthday is on May 30th!

Friendly Reminders

§  Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes and notes indicating your child needs extra set of clothing.
§  Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
·         Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes or inquiries about it.


Thank you.

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