viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016

Welcome to a New School Year!

Classroom: Monitos
Blog Title: School Year 2016-2017
Week: August 15th to August 19th, 2016
Weekly Featured Theme: Welcome to a New School Year!

🔠 What are we learning?

Dear Monitos Parents,

It's that time of year again “Back To Pre-School”! This week we will discuss about the School and Me! We are really excited to start a new school year. We have scheduled exciting learning activities related to this theme that will allow us to continue strengthening motor, cognitive-sensory and language skills. We have been also working hard to prepare creative learning activities to help us reach the developmental goals and objectives.

Thank you once again for all your support and for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life.

Thank you,

Miss Karla Estala
Miss Patricia Elescano

📄 Materials for Special Projects/Activities

  • Bring a small present for your child this week.

🔆 Friendly Reminders

  • Bring diapers, wipes and rash ointment for your child. Make sure to label each item with your child’s name.

📆 Holidays & Upcoming Events

  • First Day of School 2016-2017 on Tuesday, August 16
  • Evaluation Period: August 16 till September the 2nd.

Star Words of the Week

  • The school - La escuela
  • The teacher - La maestra
  • The friends - Los amigos

🎵 Songs of the Week

Esta canción especial, lindas palabras te enseñará, por siempre tú las repetirás aquí en SFF!. Buenos días, muchas gracias, mucho gusto y por favor. Estas son palabras mágicas que por siempre te harán mejor.

Buenos días, muchas gracias, se amable y de buen corazón, saludando a tu vecino y ayudando con mucho amor.      

📚 Poems, Riddles and Tongue Twisters


Llegó la hora de despertar
Para ir a mi colegio “Spanish For Fun”
Allí tengo amigos y puedo jugar
Aprendo canciones y muchas cosas más.
Riddle - The Crayon

A veces soy grueso
A veces delgado
De muchos colores pinto
Cuando me coges con la mano.

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