viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

The parts of the plant

Classroom: Monitos
Blog Title: The Plants
Weekly Feature Theme: The parts of the plant
Week: April 3rd to April 7th, 2017

          What we are learning?

Dear Parents,
 We hope you are having a beautiful week. This month our theme is “The Plants”. This coming week we will learn everything about the parts of the plant and the flowers and how to take care of them. They will learn that the plants are human beings that are born and grow with proper care.
 We have scheduled learning activities related to this theme to continue strengthening gross and fine motor skills, language and socio-emotional skills. Children will discover all about the wonderful world of plants by exploring nature.
 Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life and we hope you have a great weekend.

Miss Karla & Miss Karla

           Materials for Weekly Activities

·         Bring Easter eggs as donation for Easter Egg Hunt Celebration. You can drop them with the administration office. This is needed for April 13th, 2017.

·         Bring some leaves and petals for a special project on Thursday, April 6th, 2017. 


            Holidays & Upcoming Events

·         Easter Celebration (Easter Egg Hunt) on April 13th, 2017.

·         Coffee Talk on April 13th, 2017.

·         School is closed on Good Friday, April 14th, 2017.

·         International Fiesta on April 19th, 2017.

·         Week of the Young Child from April 23rd to 29th, 2017.

                    Dress Code

·         Girls should wear their dresses they have ordered online and boys should wear khaki shorts and red shirts (bottom down or polo style) for our International Fiesta. A fee of $5 per girl is needed to get the hair headband for the party. 


Happy Birthday to Liliam Campbell and Sebastian Becerra! We wish you the best and hope you have a wonderful birthday!

                 Friendly Reminders

·         Wash your hands and your child’s hands when entering the classroom and help your child to find his/her seat.

·         Read your child’s journal, blogs and Friday Newsletter.

·         Label all your child’s clothing and items and make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby.

·         Make sure to remove clothing from the cubby and just leave one set of clothing and a blanket for nap time.

·         Make sure to take the blanket home on Fridays for laundry and bring it back on Monday.

·         Make sure to have enough pull-ups or diapers in the cubby for the day.

·         Label the food that you bring to preschool for your child with your child’s name and the date it was prepared.

·         Do not bring your child to school if the child has a fever of over 101F or any contagious conditions.


               Star Words of the Week

·         The plant - La planta

·         The flower - La flor

·         The root - La raiz


             Song of the Week

Un día en el parque jugando estaba
¡Con mis amigos de Sff!
Miré hacia el suelo, vi algo pequeño
La semillita yo vi pasar
Yo la tome con mucho cuidado
Y en una taza con amor la sembré,
Con tierra y agua creció mi plantita
Y muchas flores yo vi nacer.
Cuida tú alrededor,
A las plantitas respeta,
Por un mundo mejor cuida la naturaleza


Poem #1
Mi plantita es muy bonita
Yo la tengo que regar
Cada día crece un poco
Por la luz que el sol le da.

Poem #2
Semillita semillita
Que con agua y luz del sol
Te convertiste en una plantita
Con muchas hojas y una flor.


Verde soy
Huelo muy bien
Crezco con flores , plantas
Y árboles también
Las hojas

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