viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

My emotions

Classroom: Monitos

Weekly Feature Theme: My emotions

Week: From 10/09/2017 to 10/13/2017

What we are learning?
Dear Parents,

We hope you are having a beautiful week. This week we are going to learn about a new theme called “My emotions”. Children will learn and explore their feelings. They will be able to identify and express them as they get in tune with their emotions.  They will also understand that other children have also emotions and they express it in their own unique way.  Children will also able to name each of their emotions they are feeling and learn the right way to cope with them. Teachers and caregivers should always remember that children have yet to grasp the concept of how they feel and therefore it is always important to ask them frequently how they feel and why.

We have scheduled exciting activities related to this theme so children can continue learning through fun experiences and that help kids explore their emotions in lots of different ways. Children will experience being happy, sad, upset, scared, etc.  Each one of these activities will help to continue strengthening gross and fine motor skills, language and socio-emotional skills.

Thank you for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life and we hope you have a great weekend.

Materials for Weekly Activities

  • Be reminded to bring a family picture and individual child’s picture if you have not done it yet.  

Holidays & Upcoming Events
  • Columbus Day on Monday, October 9th, 2017.

  • Field Trip Farmer Ganyard Pumpkin on Friday October 20th, 2017 to Upchurch Farm located at 2521 Louis Stephens Dr., Cary, NC 27519.

  • Report Cards will be delivered on Friday, October 27th, 2017.

  • Fall Festival Day on Tuesday, October 31st, 2017.


  • Happy Birthday to Sebastian Roncal, who is celebrating his birthday on 10/24. We wish you the best!

Year-Round Activities

Student of the Week & Travelling Pet

Please make sure to sign up your child for these wonderful activities as these 2 are the children favorites! Both activities allow every child to make and share memories with their classmates.

For the student of the week activity, every week a child is given a set week that he/she are the student of the week. On Monday of their week the student of the week should bring a poster and a book created with family pictures, favorite books, sports/hobbies, animals or anything they are interested in. Also, on their week parents and the student of the week may pick a day to present the poster and the book to the class. The student of the week may also bring favorite toys and books to school so they can share with classmates.

As for the Traveling Pet activity, the classroom pet will spend a whole week with the child and family. During that week, parents and the child will have fun together with a new member of the family while providing love and care to the pet. Our pet loves to read at night, go to the park, visit museums, give hugs and kisses! However, the pet does not like taking a bath as he can get sick. Parents and child will enjoy bonding time and making new memories and the child will be very excited to share all the memories with his/her classmates. In their week parents and the child should bring to school a collage of pictures and a brief description of what they did with the pet. Parent should make sure to place the collage inside the travelling pet bag.
Sign up to both activities today! Sign-up sheets are available at the entrance of the classroom.

Friendly Reminders

  • Wash your hands and your child’s hands when entering the classroom and help your child to find his/her seat.

  • Read your child’s journal, blogs and Friday Newsletter.

  • Label all your child’s clothing and items and make sure that your child has extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather in his/her cubby.

  • Make sure to remove clothing from the cubby and just leave one set of clothing and a blanket for nap time.

  • Make sure to take the blanket home on Fridays for laundry and bring it back on Monday.

  • Make sure to have enough pull-ups or diapers in the cubby for the day.

  • Label all bottles and food or lunch box that you bring to preschool for your child with your child’s name and the date it was prepared and place in the kitchen. If any of these items require to be refrigerated, please put it inside the refrigerator.

  • Do not bring your child to school if the child has a fever of over 101F or any contagious conditions.

Star Words of the Week

  • Happy - Feliz

  • Sad - Triste

  • Upset - Molesto

Song of the Week – Ronda de los Sentimientos

Este nuevo jueguito
sé que te va a gustar
Prepara bien tu carita
Pues tú me vas a imitar (x2)
Feliz feliz tu estas
Tu cara feliz estará! (para y se hace el gesto)
Este nuevo jueguito
Extrañas a tu mama
Muy triste, triste tu estas! (para y se hace el gesto)
Este nuevo jueguito
Un ruido extraño escuchas…
Asustado tú te pondrás (para y se hace el gesto)
Este nuevo jueguito
Helado papa no te da
Enojado tú te pondrás (para y se hace el gesto)
Este nuevo jueguito
sé que te va a gustar
Prepara bien tu carita
Pues tú me va a imitar
Este nuevo jueguito
Sé que te va a gustar
Y todos lo cantamos aquí en Sff!


Un besito aquí en la frente
Para ser amigos siempre
Un besito en la nariz
Y que seas muy feliz
un besito en tu corazón
para llenarlo con mucho amor.


Juegos y risas

Comparto con ellos

Me ayudan, me quieren

Soy feliz de tenerlos.

¿Quienes son?

Los amigos

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