jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Spanish for fun! Olympic games Week

Dear Parents:
We are having a great time this summer camp, the children are enjoying our school activities so much, and learning about new and exciting things, enjoying nature and the hot sunny days.
Next week’s theme will be: “Sff Olympic Games”. They are going to be so active and involve in so many sports activities; we hope they will enjoy all the awesome things we had planned.

Words of next week!
Baloncesto/ Basketball.
Tenis/ Tennis.
Juego de Pelota/ Baseball.
Balon pie/ Football.
Ciclismo/ Cyclist.
Atletismo/ Athletics.
Porristas/ Cheerleaders.
Pelota/ Ball.
Ejercicio/ Exercises.
Bicicleta/ Bike.
Donacion/ Donation.
Seguridad/ Safety.
Casco/ Helmet.

Monday: SPLASH DAY, please send your child with their swimsuit and towels, and totes for wet clothes, on Monday they are supposed to come dressed with their favorite team’s colors.
Tuesday: They’re supposed to come dressed like sports mans.
Thursday: SPLASH DAY. This is a very special day, we are going to have a bicycle ride to raise money for St Jude Hospital. Please we need all the children to come in with their bicycle from home, we don’t have that many and we want everyone to participate.
Friday: SPLASH DAY. We are going to have Sff Olympic Games, our color we’ll be the red. This it’s going to be a terrific day, with a lot of games, and surprises.
We hope you all cooperate with the sport spirit next week, so please help us in all you can do, thank you for being so amazing parents.
Miss Lucy y Miss Natalia.

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