viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

"The Zoo-El Zoológico"

Dear Parents:

After having a very active days, playing sports and having so much fun in our Olympic week, our children might be exhausted.  Now we are moving from the exercise to the wild.
Next week’s subject will be: “The Zoo”. There is so much to learn about wild animals, jungles, so many animal sounds to learn. It’s going to be an extraordinary adventure for the little ones and also for us to share all our knowledge about this awesome topic.

Words of next week!
El Elefante/ the Elephant.
El oso/ the Bear.
El Mono/ the Monkey.
La Jirafa/ the giraffe.
El hipopótamo/ the hippopotamus.
El león/ the lion.
La cebra./ the zebra.
El tigre/ the tiger.
La serpiente/ the snake.
El zoológico/ the zoo.
Las jaulas/ the cages.
Los animales salvajes/ the wild animals.


Monday: SPLASH DAY, please send your child with their swimsuit and towels, and totes for wet clothes, please send a soft animal from home.
Thursday: SPLASH DAY.
Friday: SPLASH DAY. And we are going to make a wild animal mask and we will have a parade. Thank you.

Miss Lucy y Miss Natalia.

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