viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha García.
From Jun the 1st to the 5th.
Theme of the Week: The Universe and Me.

Greetings parents,
We hope you all had a great and sunny week. The Month of June is here - half of the year is already gone and we are almost on Summer Break! Father’s day it’s comming, and we are already planning surprises and fun time, to celebrate all together here at Sff!
This week, we will be speaking about our infinite, amazing, and unique universe. First, we will stay local, with discussion on: Earth, our Sun, the moon, and, the stars that we can see from Earth.  We will also discuss life on Earth.  

One of the of the fun activities we have planned is to create a  painting of the Sun and the Moon. We will be also reviewing all the curriculum goals, that our children need to improve. At home, you can show them videos or pictures about these topics and what have they learned at school.



Buenos días ya salió el sol
Miro hacia el cielo, las nubes de algodón
Buenas noches, la luna salió
Muchas estrellitas luceros de amor.
Estrellas, planetas
Luna y sol
Cuida nuestra tierra y llénala de amor.


El sol tiene frio
No quiere salir
Oculto entre las nubes
Se ha puesto a dormir
Le llama la luna
Le llama la flor
El sol esta sordo
Es un dormilón.


Doy calorcito
Soy muy redondo
Salgo prontito
Y tarde me escondo.

El sol

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales

·         Jugamos e emitir sílabas , procurando una buena pronunciación:
Pa, ma, ta, la, etc.

Start Words of the week.
La Tierra/the earth
El Sol/the sun
La Luna/the Moon

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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