viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

The Universe and Me.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha García.
From Jun the 8th to the12th.
Theme of the Week: The Universe and Me.

Greetings parents,

We hope you all had a great and sunny week. We will continue talking about our great Universe, this week, we’ll be more focused in the amazing planets we have in our solar system, their characteristic and color and the starts constellations. You can speak with theme at home about the planets, play to say the planets names and things like that.
We will move the way the planets move around the sun, making the movements by ourselves with our bodies, through play.
We will also be practicing counting, shapes, color, and creativity.

Thank you for everything!

Star Words of the Week.

Los planetas/ The planets
Marte/ Mars

Thank you for all your love and support.
Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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