viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

“Summer is Here!”

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha García.
From Jun the 15th to the19th.
Theme of the Week: “Summer is Here!”

Greetings Parents,
Summer is here and we are going to have a blast with our kids! This first week we will be welcoming summer time, and having a lot of fun activities, such as: building sand castles, dressing like Hawaiians, and having splash time.  Please remember our Splash time will be Monday and Thursday mornings.  Please bring the following items: bathing suits, water pull ups, towels, totes for wet clothes, or other items that you think your child is going to use.
This summer, we will be going green, please help us by bringing in any recyclable material that you have at home. For the first week, we will be using plastic bottles and any kind of boxes.
Thanks for all your support and help, and let the summer party start!

  • 6/15: We will paint shells and make a sand castle competition. 
  • 6/16: bring sunglasses
  • 6/17: bring hats
  • 6/18: wear Hawaiian themed clothes
  • 6/19: Happy Father's Day Celebration at 4:00pm. Come and join us on our Olympics with Daddy.

Llegó el Verano , oh, oh, oh, oh.
Llegó el Verano oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Ya Llegó el Verano, Ya Llegó el Verano
Ya Llegó el Verano, ya llegó

Start Words of the week.
La playa/ The beach.
El Verano/ The summer.
Las gafas/The sun glasses.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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