viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/16 to 11/20

Thanksgiving/Accion de Gracias

Dear Parents, 
This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving and will teach the children the importance of giving thanks for all the blessings we have received. Thanksgiving is a special time to share blessings and good wishes with family and those who are closest to us. This week the children will work on puppets, masks, paintings, and dances for the occasion. I hope you will enjoy!

Words of the week

·         Peregrinos
·         Indios
·         Accion de gracias

Friendly Reminder:

·         November 25th: Thanksgiving Celebration.
·         November 26th – 27th: School closed.

Thanksgiving Activities:

·       Children will come dressed in black pants and shirt because they will be doing the dance of the pumpkin. I thank you for your cooperation.

·         Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
·         Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.
·         Thanks for your collaboration and support.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/16 to 11/20
Dear Monitos Parents,
I hope you have had a great weekend! Next week we’ll continue with the theme “My Community and I” (Mi Comunidad y yo.) We will talk about the people who serve our community. Our activities, by day, are as follows: 
Nov. 16th- Shopping Service: Department of shoes, apparel, toys, and accessories sale.
Nov. 17th - Places of public service: Playgrounds, parks, roads.
Nov. 18th – First responders in the community: ambulance, fire truck.
Nov 19th – Farm helpers game.
Nov. 20th - Project: We will pretend to be chefs and we make cookies or pizza.
Words of the week
Camion  de bomberos
Auto de policia

Friendly Reminders:
For Thanksgiving, children will come dressed in black pants and shirt because they will be doing the dance of the pumpkin. I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/9 to 11/13

Dear Monitos Parents. 
I hope you have had a great weekend! This week we are continuing with the theme “My Community and I” (Mi Comunidad y yo). We will talk about the people who serve our community and children will learn to name the person and identify the job they do. They’ll also learn more about solidarity by understanding how these civil jobs help others.  They’ll continue to learn about places n our community, including: the fire station, the police station, hospitals, schools, theaters, and museums. It will be a nice experience for the children!

Words of the week
La escuela
El hospital
La estacion de bomberos

Friendly Reminder:

Please, make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please, take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/2 to 11/6

Hola Monitos Parents. This week our children will be learning about another important theme: “My Community and I.” We’ll talk about how people work hard to help our community be safe and secure. We will be talking about doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, firefighters, handy-men, mail carriers, chefs, and many more.
We will have our yearly visit from the policemen and firefighters. Of course, our wonderful parents will be involved in the theme by visiting our classroom to help our Monitos better understand the job of those that serve our community.

Conozco mucha mucha gente en mi vida,
Que siempre ayuda con mucha alegría
Y si tú quieres conocer sus oficios
Jugando vamos a nombrarlos en un ratito.
Es l enfermera, es el cartero
Es la maestra de Sff
El policía y el bombero
Son los amigos que te cuidaran.
Conozco mucha……….
Es el dentista y el granjero
El cocinero…delicias te hará
El carpintero y el arquitecto
Son los amigos que te ayudaran.


Somos los bomberos
Vamos a apagar
Todos los incendios
De esta gran ciudad.


El cocinero mezcla los sabores
Tiene su cocina de ricos olores
El veterinario cura perros y pajaritos
Siempre está rodeado de animalitos.


Con pinturas de colores
Con rodillo y pincel
Pinta paredes y puertas
Adivina ¿Quién es el?

El pintor

Words of the week:
El Maestro
EL Doctor
El Bombero

Friendly Reminder:

Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thank you for your collaboration and support.