viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos Class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/16 to 11/20
Dear Monitos Parents,
I hope you have had a great weekend! Next week we’ll continue with the theme “My Community and I” (Mi Comunidad y yo.) We will talk about the people who serve our community. Our activities, by day, are as follows: 
Nov. 16th- Shopping Service: Department of shoes, apparel, toys, and accessories sale.
Nov. 17th - Places of public service: Playgrounds, parks, roads.
Nov. 18th – First responders in the community: ambulance, fire truck.
Nov 19th – Farm helpers game.
Nov. 20th - Project: We will pretend to be chefs and we make cookies or pizza.
Words of the week
Camion  de bomberos
Auto de policia

Friendly Reminders:
For Thanksgiving, children will come dressed in black pants and shirt because they will be doing the dance of the pumpkin. I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

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