viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Monitos class
Ms. Karina Del Valle
11/16 to 11/20

Thanksgiving/Accion de Gracias

Dear Parents, 
This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving and will teach the children the importance of giving thanks for all the blessings we have received. Thanksgiving is a special time to share blessings and good wishes with family and those who are closest to us. This week the children will work on puppets, masks, paintings, and dances for the occasion. I hope you will enjoy!

Words of the week

·         Peregrinos
·         Indios
·         Accion de gracias

Friendly Reminder:

·         November 25th: Thanksgiving Celebration.
·         November 26th – 27th: School closed.

Thanksgiving Activities:

·       Children will come dressed in black pants and shirt because they will be doing the dance of the pumpkin. I thank you for your cooperation.

·         Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.
·         Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.
·         Thanks for your collaboration and support.

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