sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

“Let’s get Active/Vamos a ponernos activos”

Dear Parents:

This is the last week of the course.  And I am very happy to have worked with the Monitos class during these tree months.

Summer is around the corner, and the Monitos deserve all the enjoyment and comfortable rest, after so much effort to achieve the course objectives.We will have fun! in our Summer full of creative activities.

Next week,  we still be talking about the fun of “Let’s get Active”. Subject that our student have enjoy the fullest by the dynamics of active and fun activities.

Words of next week.
Pelota/ Ball.
Raqueta/ Racket.
Bate/ Bat.
Canasta-Aro/ Basket.
Arco/ Arc.
Estadio/ Stadium.
Comer Sano/ Healthy Eating.
Comidas Saludables/ Healthy Meals.
La Pirámide Alimenticia/ The food Pyramid.
Ejercicios/ Exercises.

Upcomming Events:

Early Release and Father´s Day Celebration:This Friday, June 13th,  we will have early release at 12:30 pm and we will celebrate Daddy at 10:30 am in the school premises.

Summer is here!: June 16th is the first day of summer.

Graduation: This Saturday June 7th is the Graduation Ceremony. Congrats Ositos!

Miss Lucelia, Miss Fanny and Miss Maria Fernanda.

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