lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

"Summer is here/El Verano Llegó"

Dear Parents:

Summer is here, and with it comes all the fun and the enjoyment that our children deserve after a year of effort and learning.

This summer camp is full of fabulous and exciting activities that will not only entertains, it will be of great educational benefit and experience for them, among others.  We will have cooking, music, and soccer lessons. The soccer lessons have already started as you may know.

Please remember to send your child with appropriated cloths, shoes and a tote bag for wet clothes for splash.  Also, please bring appropriate weather extra cloths to have in their cubbies.  

Next week, the topic will be “Summer is here”.

Words of next week.
El verano/ summer.
La playa/ The Beach.
El sol/ The sun.
El sombrero/ The hat.
Las Gafas/ The sun glasses.
La ropa de baño/ The bathing suits.
La arena/ The Sand.
La Sombrilla/ The umbrella.
La Pelota/ The Ball.


MONDAY 9:55 am - 10:20 am
THURSDAY 3:25 pm - 4:00 pm
FRIDAY 9:55 am - 10:20 am


Tuesday, it’s going to be Sunglasses Day, please bring their favorite sunglasses.
Wednesday, it’s going to be Hats Day, so please send them with a summer hat
Friday, we are planning to have a Hawaiian day, we’ll need all you collaboration for this special activity. 

Please, bring them wearing a luau! We will have a Parade.

Thank you for all the support.

Ms Lucelia and Ms Natalia.

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