viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

"We are Going Camping / Nos Vamos de Campamento"

Dear Parents:
Our Summer Camp  is getting so fun and exciting.
Next week subject it’s about “We are Going Camping”, we are planning to play new and interesting games, exploring, and camping.

Words of next week.

La carpa/ the tent.
La linterna/ the lantern.
La cantimplora/ the canteen
La mochila/ the backpack
La bolsa para dormir/ the sleeping bag
Los Insectos/ the insects
El río/ the river
El lago/ the lake
La fogata/ the bonfire
La Pajamas/ the pajamas

Remember.- Please remember to send your child with appropriated clothes and shoes for splash and extra clothes, and a tote bag for wet clothes. Splash Days: Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Monday it’s going to be boys scout day, so please cooperate with the proper accessories, as binoculars, toys cameras, backpack, lantern, lens, etc.

Wednesday, we will need sleeping bags for napping in the class, if you have it at home, please bring it just for that day. This is our picnic day, please bring goodies for the Monitos picnic.

Thursday, it’s going to be pajamas day. Every child must come dress in pajamas, it will be particularly different experience for them.

Thank you for your cooperation.  Our children really loves and enjoy these activities.  Ans they are learning in this process.

Thank you for all the support.

Ms Lucelia and Ms Natalia.

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