viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

"My body"

Monitos class

Ms. Karina Del Valle

8/31 - 9/4

Mi Cuerpo

Dear Parents,
We wish you a fun, long, happy, and safe weekend. This week we are going to
learn about the topic “Parts of my body, "Parte de mi cuerpo". We are going to leave
a body silhouette in your child’s cubbie because we are going to create art together. Please take this home and work with your child, ask them what favorite things are, including: color, food, sport, pet and their best friend. You are welcome to use pictures, magazines or drawings.

Words of the week:

Cabeza - Head

Manos - Hands

Brazos - Arms

Piernas - Legs   
 Song of the week:

My Body/ Mi cuerpo

Partes del cuerpo/My body parts.

Las parte de mi cuerpo hoy yo voy a cantar

bailando con mis amigos

cada parte moveras

Empiezo con mis brazitos

con los que puedo abrazar

con mucho amor a papito

y luego a mi mamaa

moviendo la cabeza yo digo si o no

moviendo mi colita bailando yo estoy

ya todos preparados pues vamos aprender

las partes del cuerpo que tu vas a mover

piernas y cabezas

pies, brazos, cuellos y cadera

hombros, manos y rodillas

pies brazos y piernas (x2}

Con ellas podemos correr

podemos caminar

Sabes quien sera ?


podemos saltar

“las piernas”


*Give a kiss when listening to the drum

Friendly Reminder:

We are still collecting the pictures for our special family tree.

Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.

Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

Ms Karina Del Valle

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

"Mi Escuela y Yo" / "My School and Me."

  Mrs. Karina Del Valle
                            From Agosto 24 al 28.
                     Theme of the Week: My School and Me.

Dear parents,
We are enjoying our second week of the course, this week we’ll be still talking about our theme, “My School and Me.” This time it’ll be getting more involved with the different classrooms and school areas, we’ll be also meeting the staff, knowing their functions, their names and their preference. We want our kids to have the feeling that they are now part of our big great family here at Spanish for fun! Also we will be starting with our initial evaluation, so we can let you know about their progress during the course.
Let’s all have a great week.

                     Start Words of the week.
                 La directora / The Principal.
                            La asistente / The assistant.
                               La cocinera / The cook.

                               Thank you for all your love and support.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

My School and Me.

Monitos class.
Mrs. Karina Del Valle 
From Agosto 17 al 21.
Theme of the Week: My School and Me.

Dear Parents,
Welcome to this amazing journey that we all are going to have together! Welcome to the Monitos Class!
The first theme of the month is “My School and me”, it’s an introductory time where kids learn information about the school, including: the classroom schedule, their teacher, their new friends, how to play in each different center with the different toys, and the routines. They’ll always learning playing and laughing. I wish you all the best.

Song of the theme.
Himno de Spanish for fun!
Es aquí en Spanish for fun
Donde Aprendo y me divierto,
Mis maestras cuidan de mí,
Y el español aprendo y entiendo.
En Spanish for fun aprendo
El amor por mi país,
El respeto a la diferencia
Y a ser un niño feliz. (Bis)
Es aquí en Spanish for fun
Con mis amigos construimos
Una linda amistad,
Con amor y libertad.
En Spanish for fun aprendo
El amor por mi país,
El respeto a la diferencia
Y a ser un niño feliz. (Bis)

Start Words of the week.
Las castañuelas / The castanets.
La Torre / The tower.
El partenón / The parthenon.

Thank you for all your love and support.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

The Sff Olympics Games

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From August the 10th to the 14th.
Theme of the Week: The Sff Olympics Games

Greetings Parents!
Time flies, right? Here we are, in our last summer camp week, saying good bye to this amazing Summer fun that we had
 with the children.
This last week will be intense; we'll celebrate our Sff Olympics Games. We’ll do a lot of exercise to keep us active and healthy!
Please bring in any recycled soda cans you may have at home.
Tuesday will be sports costume day! So please dress your child with a sport uniform, or something similar.
Friday is our Olympic games. In the afternoon we will celebrate our  farewell Summer Camp Party!
Thank you for being such amazing parents!
Todos Activos!

Start Words of the week.
Las Olimpiadas/ The Olympics.
Las Competencias/The competitions .
El Deportistas/ The athlete .

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.