lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

The Sff Olympics Games

Monitos class.

Mrs. Lucelia Rodriguez, Miss Martha Garcia.
From August the 10th to the 14th.
Theme of the Week: The Sff Olympics Games

Greetings Parents!
Time flies, right? Here we are, in our last summer camp week, saying good bye to this amazing Summer fun that we had
 with the children.
This last week will be intense; we'll celebrate our Sff Olympics Games. We’ll do a lot of exercise to keep us active and healthy!
Please bring in any recycled soda cans you may have at home.
Tuesday will be sports costume day! So please dress your child with a sport uniform, or something similar.
Friday is our Olympic games. In the afternoon we will celebrate our  farewell Summer Camp Party!
Thank you for being such amazing parents!
Todos Activos!

Start Words of the week.
Las Olimpiadas/ The Olympics.
Las Competencias/The competitions .
El Deportistas/ The athlete .

Thank you for all your love and support.

Miss Lucy and Miss Martha.

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