viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

My School and Me.

Monitos class.
Mrs. Karina Del Valle 
From Agosto 17 al 21.
Theme of the Week: My School and Me.

Dear Parents,
Welcome to this amazing journey that we all are going to have together! Welcome to the Monitos Class!
The first theme of the month is “My School and me”, it’s an introductory time where kids learn information about the school, including: the classroom schedule, their teacher, their new friends, how to play in each different center with the different toys, and the routines. They’ll always learning playing and laughing. I wish you all the best.

Song of the theme.
Himno de Spanish for fun!
Es aquí en Spanish for fun
Donde Aprendo y me divierto,
Mis maestras cuidan de mí,
Y el español aprendo y entiendo.
En Spanish for fun aprendo
El amor por mi país,
El respeto a la diferencia
Y a ser un niño feliz. (Bis)
Es aquí en Spanish for fun
Con mis amigos construimos
Una linda amistad,
Con amor y libertad.
En Spanish for fun aprendo
El amor por mi país,
El respeto a la diferencia
Y a ser un niño feliz. (Bis)

Start Words of the week.
Las castañuelas / The castanets.
La Torre / The tower.
El partenón / The parthenon.

Thank you for all your love and support.

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