viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

"My body"

Monitos class

Ms. Karina Del Valle

8/31 - 9/4

Mi Cuerpo

Dear Parents,
We wish you a fun, long, happy, and safe weekend. This week we are going to
learn about the topic “Parts of my body, "Parte de mi cuerpo". We are going to leave
a body silhouette in your child’s cubbie because we are going to create art together. Please take this home and work with your child, ask them what favorite things are, including: color, food, sport, pet and their best friend. You are welcome to use pictures, magazines or drawings.

Words of the week:

Cabeza - Head

Manos - Hands

Brazos - Arms

Piernas - Legs   
 Song of the week:

My Body/ Mi cuerpo

Partes del cuerpo/My body parts.

Las parte de mi cuerpo hoy yo voy a cantar

bailando con mis amigos

cada parte moveras

Empiezo con mis brazitos

con los que puedo abrazar

con mucho amor a papito

y luego a mi mamaa

moviendo la cabeza yo digo si o no

moviendo mi colita bailando yo estoy

ya todos preparados pues vamos aprender

las partes del cuerpo que tu vas a mover

piernas y cabezas

pies, brazos, cuellos y cadera

hombros, manos y rodillas

pies brazos y piernas (x2}

Con ellas podemos correr

podemos caminar

Sabes quien sera ?


podemos saltar

“las piernas”


*Give a kiss when listening to the drum

Friendly Reminder:

We are still collecting the pictures for our special family tree.

Please make sure your child has extra clothes in her/his cubby.

Please take your child’s blanket home every Friday to wash it.

Thanks for your collaboration and support.

Ms Karina Del Valle

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