viernes, 29 de abril de 2016


Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
“Animal Kingdom and Mother’s Day ”
2 years
05/02 through 05/06

Dear Monitos parents,

This week we will celebrate Mother’s Day with a very special project and children will learn about the animal kingdom. On Monday, we will discuss about cats and primate animals, on Tuesday we will talk about elephants, giraffes, hippos, zebras and bears and on Wednesday we will review interesting facts about endangered species or animals in extinction. On Thursday we will work on the Mother’s Day celebration project and we will have lots of fun decorating the classroom for Friday.

“Animales de la selva”
Los animales que hay en la selva,
Tu los vas a repetir,
Algunos gordos y otros muy altos
Igual nos vamos a divertir
El elefante que está muy grande
Y la jirafa que alta es
Y el monitor que salta y salta
El cocodrilo… me va a morder
Coco coco Cocodrilo
en el río está tranquilo
El ele  elefante
en la trompa lleva un guante.
Salta salta saltamontes
Salta mucho y no se rompe
Riddle ( El Sapo)
Soy verde me gusta
Saltar jugar en el charco
Y también croar
Star Word of the Week
El león
La jirafa
El elefante

Monthly Birthdays
Kathleen Saria on May 30th
Friendly Reminders
  • Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes or if there is need for extra clothes.
  • Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
  • Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes it.

Thank you

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

"The Plants". "Las Plantas".

Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
“Proyecto Mundo verde” - Green World Project
Week: April 25th through April 29th, 2016
Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we will be working on a very special project called Green World in our garden. Our children will grow plants and will be responsible for taking care of them and tracking its development and growth changes.

Star Words of the Week
El huerto/ The Orchard
La siembra/ The Planting
La cosecha/ The Harvest

Happy Birthday!
Olivia Gladwell is turning 3 years old this April 28th.

Friendly Reminders
  • Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes or if there is need for extra clothes.
  • Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
  • Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes it.

Thank you.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

"The Plants". "Las Plantas".

Monitos Classroom

Karina Del Valle
   “The Trees”
  2 years old
Del 18 al 22 de Abril
Dear Monitos Parents:
This week we will work on a very special project “The Trees”. Children will learn about the importance of trees,  its benefits and how they support life of other organisms. I am sure we will have lots of fun while learning more about nature.

Star Words of the Week
      Los árboles - The trees
      El bosque  - The forest
      El valle - The valley

Friendly Reminders
      Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes or if there is need for extra clothes.
      Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
      Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes it.

Thank you.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

The Plants/ Las Plantas.

Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
“Partes de la Planta”
Del 11 al 15 de Abril.

Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we will continue talking about the plant, its growth and function and we have also scheduled a germination experiment. And on Friday we will have our Latin party. What a thrill!  

Palabras estrella
Las Verduras/ The vegetables
Las frutas/ The Fruits
Las plantas/ The Plants

Friendly Reminders
  • Check your child’s cubby daily for dirty clothes, notes and/or if your child needs extra clothes.
  • Read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to continue the learning activities at home.
  • Do not bring your child’s toys unless the teacher authorizes it.
Upcoming Events
International Party on April 15th, 2016.

Thank you,

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

"The Plants". "Las Plantas".

“Partes de la Planta”
Del 4 al 8 de Abril.

This week we're talking about the plants which will help the child to learn more about their natural environment. We know about the parts of plants as they grow and develop, as we must also take care of its importance in our environment. We will also start our project "Green World" in which children experience a direct experience with germination and harvesting.

Un día en el parque jugando estaba
Con mis amigos de Sff,
Mire hacia el suelo, vi algo pequeño
La semillita yo vi pasar
Yo la tome con mucho cuidado
Y en una taza con amor la sembré,
Con tierra y agua creció mi plantita
Y muchas flores yo vi nacer.
Cuida tú alrededor,
A las plantitas respeta,
Por un mundo mejor cuida la naturaleza

Mi plantita es muy bonita
Yo la tengo que regar
Cada día crece un poco
Por la luz que el sol le da

Verde soy
Huelo muy bien
Crezco con flores, plantas
Y árboles también
Las hojas

El Tallo/ The Stem.
Las Hojas/ The Leaves.
La Raiz/ The Roots.

Friendly Reminder:
Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes, and check if they needs some extra clothes.
Thank you.