viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

The Plants/ Las Plantas.

Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
“Partes de la Planta”
Del 11 al 15 de Abril.

Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we will continue talking about the plant, its growth and function and we have also scheduled a germination experiment. And on Friday we will have our Latin party. What a thrill!  

Palabras estrella
Las Verduras/ The vegetables
Las frutas/ The Fruits
Las plantas/ The Plants

Friendly Reminders
  • Check your child’s cubby daily for dirty clothes, notes and/or if your child needs extra clothes.
  • Read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to continue the learning activities at home.
  • Do not bring your child’s toys unless the teacher authorizes it.
Upcoming Events
International Party on April 15th, 2016.

Thank you,

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