viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

"The Plants". "Las Plantas".

Monitos Classroom
Karina Del Valle
“Proyecto Mundo verde” - Green World Project
Week: April 25th through April 29th, 2016
Dear Monitos Parents,

This week we will be working on a very special project called Green World in our garden. Our children will grow plants and will be responsible for taking care of them and tracking its development and growth changes.

Star Words of the Week
El huerto/ The Orchard
La siembra/ The Planting
La cosecha/ The Harvest

Happy Birthday!
Olivia Gladwell is turning 3 years old this April 28th.

Friendly Reminders
  • Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes or if there is need for extra clothes.
  • Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
  • Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes it.

Thank you.

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