viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

"The Plants". "Las Plantas".

Monitos Classroom

Karina Del Valle
   “The Trees”
  2 years old
Del 18 al 22 de Abril
Dear Monitos Parents:
This week we will work on a very special project “The Trees”. Children will learn about the importance of trees,  its benefits and how they support life of other organisms. I am sure we will have lots of fun while learning more about nature.

Star Words of the Week
      Los árboles - The trees
      El bosque  - The forest
      El valle - The valley

Friendly Reminders
      Please check your child’s cubbies daily for dirty clothes, notes or if there is need for extra clothes.
      Please read your child’s journal every day and encourage your child to practice what we have learnt in the classroom at home.
      Please do not bring toys, unless the teacher authorizes it.

Thank you.

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